Will the WTS Say that this News Article is from Satan?

by Funchback 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Funchback

    At the recent District Convention, it was hammered home time and again.

    At the meetings, it is stated from the platform frequently.

    The media is a tool of Satan and we shouldn't believe everything we read about JWs in the media.

    However, in the WTS' mind, ONLY the NEGATIVE media should not be believed. BUT, if the media is POSITIVE, it will soon be printed in a WT magazine or read from the platform at a Kingdom Hall near you.



    Those Hardy Jehovah Witnesses - Thursday 14, August-2003
    by Roxanne Gibbs

    You might have heard the dog barking and an unfamiliar voice outside the house say: “Good morning . . . anybody home?”

    You peep outside and you spot the umbrella in one hand and in the other, a bag and two magazines.

    Oh my gosh! It’s those Jehovah’s Witnesses again.

    What do we do? Hide and wish they would leave?

    Shout and tell them we’re busy?

    Or come back another time, when we know we wouldn’t be home?

    Do we threaten them?

    Or do we come right out and say that we are just not interested?

    That works if we are indoors.

    But what’s the tactic when we find them at the door awaiting our arrival, as was my experience last week.

    I drove into my driveway, and there they were – two well-dressed young men.

    My tactic has always been to engage those hardy witnesses in chat about everything . . . except the Bible.

    So how old are you?

    How long have you been doing this?

    Where do you live?

    How long have you been walking? etc., etc. and by the time we’ve gone through all that, it’s time to go.

    Last Saturday, I decided to lengthen the script a bit. I asked them how they feel about people avoiding them and sometimes harshly rejecting them, sometimes even with threats to beat them.

    The two very pleasant young men said some people even threaten to throw urine on them, or some set their dogs on them.

    But that does not deter them.

    These patient footsoldiers of God are determined to spread the Word as they see it. “There is so much sin out there,” one of them said with a wry smile and slight shake of the head.

    The witnesses believe they are doing good and good will one day conquer evil.

    The dollar or two I give for an Awake or Watchtower magazine, is not simply to get them to move on, but I do find some thought-provoking articles in both publications.

    And even though I don’t share their doctrine, it is difficult not to admire their tenacity and perseverance. I applaud them.

    I suppose that one day they too will get the reward they deserve.

  • yxl1
    I suppose that one day they too will get the reward they deserve.

    Lets hope so!

  • be wise
    be wise
    The two very pleasant young men said some people even threaten to throw urine on them, or some set their dogs on them.


    Funchback, I had a dog set on me too.

    All that walking comes in handy sometimes.

  • rocketman
    they'll get the reward they deserve

    Oh, they hope so too....in fact, desperately so. Think they'd be doing it without that incentive?

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies
    The dollar or two I give for an Awake or Watchtower magazine, is not simply to get them to move on, but I do find some thought-provoking articles in both publications.

    A buck or two!!!! Then she wonders why they keep calling on her!!!!!

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