
by Doug Mason 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Mary gives birth to a girl.

    Jesus shares the lead in his ministry with a woman.

    Half of Jesus’ leading disciples and half of his Apostles are women.

    Jesus addresses God as “Heavenly Mother”.

    The bulk of New Testament documents are written by a woman named Pauline.

    Half of the Rabbis throughout history are women.

    A woman holds a position on the Watch Tower’s Governing Body.

    A woman becomes the Pope.

    Half of the Watch Tower’s Governing Body are women.

    Christians remove sexist and misogynist expressions from their Holy Scriptures.

    Adam comes from Eve’s rib.

    Trinitarians believe in Mother, Daughter, and her Holy Spirit.

    God becomes an atheist.


  • oppostate
      1. Imagine there's no heaven
        It's easy if you try
        No hell below us
        Above us only sky
        Imagine all the people
        Living for today...
        Imagine there's no countries
        It isn't hard to do
        Nothing to kill or die for
        And no religion too
        Imagine all the people
        Living life in peace...
        You may say I'm a dreamer
        But I'm not the only one
        I hope someday you'll join us
        And the world will be as one
        Imagine no possessions
        I wonder if you can
        No need for greed or hunger
        A brotherhood of man
        Imagine all the people
        Sharing all the world...
        You may say I'm a dreamer
        But I'm not the only one
        I hope someday you'll join us
        And the world will live as one

  • talesin

    Can I have some of what you are smoking, Doug? :P

  • Diogenesister

    you are not a dreamer oppostate lennon ~it will happen one day ?2000 years or less

    there where women apostle* junia for one wtbts makes her male

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    John Lennon's words are either a hymn or an international anthem.


  • Landy

    Mary gives birth to a girl.

    Jesus shares the lead in his ministry with a woman.

    Half of Jesus’ leading disciples and half of his Apostles are women.

    Jesus addresses God as “Heavenly Mother”.

    A few of the other events would have been different, there would have been no baptism in the Jordan for a start, think of what that would have done to her hair!

  • Crazyguy
    Its interesting you talk about woman so much in your post. In most ancient religions of the Levant goddesses we're revered. In some they we're the Creator God in other they we're truly like the God mother of the earth. The men that put together the old testament and wrote parts of it are the real freaks for they got rid of this concept and relegated the female form to that of just property owned by men. They were like today's Taliban. But what's interesting is archeology has shown that a lot of those Jews back then didn't think the same way. They have found many statues in Jewish house holds of the goddess Ashurah and many writings where God has a wife, again Ashurah. Many if not most Jews back then respected the female and her life giving properties.
  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Imagine …

    Islam managed and controlled by women.

    The call is: “Allah is Great Mother”.

    Men wear the hijab while women’s faces are uncovered.

    Teachers in Islamic schools are women.

    Shariah law is designed and administered by women.

    Mohammed is a woman.

    Imagine the peace when all people have rejected supernatural superstition.


  • smiddy

    Doug , I think Imagine should be an International Anthem played at every opening session of the U.N.

    And as far as Islam being controlled and managed by women , I don`t know , while some men can be bastards ,some women can be bitches

    Having said that , we would never know until it was tried .I won`t hold my breath though. .

    Just saying.


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