In a previous post I mentioned I purchased a tape-deck to listen to "pear tree in the wilderness" by a very talented busker named Kai Jansen. Listening to his songs after 20 years created strong feelings and wonderful memories, yet I have to admit the songs didn't live up to expectation.
So yesterday for an experiment I sat down with my 10 year old boy and introduced him to the music of:-
Bowie, Eno, U2, Aldo Nova, The Smiths, The Who.
Orlandos comments " Absolute Rubbish !!". However Abba, did meet with his approval, which was odd because when Abba first made it I thought they were absolute rubbish.
Anyway if Armegeddon is further delayed:-
A) Do you think the great music of " The Beetles"" Bowie" " The Stones" " can survive and be appreciated in a hundred years time? Or will it just become " The Who?"
B) If yes by whom?
In my opinion songs like Happy Birthday are timeless, but iam not sure the great songs like " my generation" will survive.
The Rebel.