For now anyways... it was out here for about 20 hours...
They're going to do rolling blackouts so the power can be distributed around the entire affected area... This truly sucks.. power outs are not only boring as heck, they are expensive too.... as in all the food in the fridge spoiling.. I did pretty good though... bought bags of ice and packed the fridge and freezer with them.. but it's $2.50 a bloody bag!!!! (What's that... $1 US? lol
We don't have a water problem where I live as of yet...thank goodness for generators... but they are passing bylaws in areas close to lake Huron not to water the lawns...and enforcing water restrictions... I hope this doesn't get worse! I can't imagine why someone would water their lawns this weekend... we've got thunderstorm warnings in the area...
Well, I don't have much more time with power until it goes out again... so I better make this short...
Toodles for now