Just came across this info from 1946 Yearbook. It would be fascinating to have the same information on members at this year's annual meeting.
Composition of members of the Watch Tower Society at the annual meeting in 1945
by slimboyfat 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"Colored (Negro members)" ... LOL
What an enlightened group, to even keep stats on skin color.
"We're all the same to god (except for you colored negros, we'll keep a separate tally)"
Yeah and what's interesting is that some of the votes were proxy. So how did they know their race? Did they fill out a race questionnaire?
The next page is interesting too. It shows that about a third or a quarter of the members in 1945 joined before Russell died. I found that surprising.
By the way this post took over a day to apear. Is it because of the picture? I've not started any other threads for a while, so I don't think it's a backlog.
Yes, the picture was large and caused it to retry (exponential delay). I check the queue now and again and give things a kick if needed. Once the new version is rolled out it will handle larger images much better.
Strange that they only felt the need to keep a count of "colored / negros" and no one else. I guess that means everyone else was white (?)
Good catch Slimboyfat. I wonder what it would be like back in those days if I was a person of black descent. How would that work when the attendant is counting everyone and then they see an African American in the audience and say, "ok, that's 5 black people now...".
"Colored (Negro members)" ... LOL
What an enlightened group, to even keep stats on skin color.
"We're all the same to god (except for you colored negros, we'll keep a separate tally)".....Simon
He Sings a Good Kingdom Song..
But..I`m Not Sure...............................The WBT$ GB "Rock Star" Popes
What Section To Put Him In.................Are All Right With Meeeeee!
Good find SBF. This kind of revealing information shows yet again how very "man-made" JW organization is and has always been - just like every other religious organization under the sun.
Anders Andersen
...at least women are not allowed as voting members of the society.
I guess Jesus also will only allow the female anointed in the heavenly kitchen to cook him some matzes? -
I Faded Twice
Didn't CT Russell say somewhere that a man changed his skin from Black to white through prayer?
I guess most of the colored brothers and sisters just weren't very spiritual back then!