Yesterday or a few days ago a site started specifically for Gen X -Exjws. It caters to those born in the 60s to around 70S and some 80s Yesterday it had 2 members, today it has 102 members. Keep in mind that for most of these Gen X, there was no internet, no mobile phone, heck, I don't think there was even cable TV
The exjw reddit is mostly for young kids exiting the WT so this site is for the pre-internet days when no one knew who the Governing Body was.
If you were born into the WT cult, chances are you would be stuck there for the next 30 -40 years because there was very little information about the Religion and the Bible.
What I find interesting is the JW stuff that nobody talks about today like;
in the last days the world will get so bad they will be “Streaming to the mountain of Jehovah looking for the good news” - Rather than streaming out as they are now
If we have to start asking for donations we have lost Jehovah’s spirit
The end will definitely be here before the end of the century, the 1914 Gen will be almost gone by then.
Remember going to a different assembly because you liked that girl or guy. Then all going out together?
I got my license at 16, could drive fully by myself. No cell phones back then, mom and dad had no idea exactly where I was and couldn't call me. It was so embarrassing calling that girl or guy as we only had one phone in the house, in the most common area in the house too.
Haha,well I gotta say I was super awkward, but it was still fun. Meeting up with my girlfriends from different halls, all of us chitchatting about our crushes, stalking our crushes, ...the young JWs don't have that these days. Those silly all-video conventions are absolutely nothing compared to the old school conventions, with the danishes and Shasta pop and live dramas and circular shaped convention halls to troll in. They were actually fun. So culty, but so anticipated, every year.
Ha. That’s the best reason to be a attendant, to find all the chicks……and to not sit down and listen to all the BS !
Conventions were always at least 4 days long and the only thing I looked forward to about them were the apple danishes for breakfast and hoagie sandwiches for lunch that we would pay for with our strip of blue coupons.
Life in the 80s as a witness was torture because of the beatings for bad behavior that were the norm amongst witness kids and because every second of every day was a reminder about Armageddon which resulted in vivid nightmares of Satan falling to earth (as depicted in the live forever book) to kill me.
Yet I miss that more simple time before all the technology chaos. Sitcoms were actually good to watch, the music was great, neon was everywhere and the bangs were always teased high!