for lurkers, this past week's wt study. Women, obedient to headship.
wt message to wt ladies: do like Abigail, ignore your husband's initiative, who might have had his own strategy to rid the country of the marauding outlaws for good, and instead kowtow to "the anointed" aka us, the GB and elders. you might even end as one of our wives!
Mary, who when propositioned by a spirit, did not consult her fiance for protection (wt article said the angel approached her and not the family head). Harking back to the pre - diluvian times, it was not new to have maidens end up pregnant after such encounters with the spirit realm. wt message, leave your mate out of such private discussions.
Jesus, the example of submission to higher headshipm for wt woman. --- killing himself for the family, setting up his kingdom in 1914, ruling over all for a 1000 years. only giving some of the power back after a millennium.
what more would a wife want?
message: husbands, male headship means nothing, we are the governing body to obey.
* afterthought: The deity could had produced a perfect woman using one of jesus ribs too.' or used more natural means, but really, Jesus is part of wt's obedient trio.