WT says Jesus became invisibly present in 1914. What a load of old rubbish. But they are not the only ones.
In 1927 a woman called Helen Keller wrote a book called My Religion. Her book advocates the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg who claimed that Jesus had already returned. Adherents used several names to describe themselves including Second Advent Christian, Swedenborgian and New Church.
The reason I have posted this is because Helen Keller was also involved in setting up the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). That organization, along with others has approached the UN to consider action against the USA for police brutality.
Brutality can be physical. But if you have suffered at the hands of elders, wouldn't you describe elders as brutal? I think of their cold heartlessness which is capable of smashing tender feelings, crushing justice, destroying friendships and lying.
Through WT, the lie about 1914 enabled a power structure to be established that would be brutal. It can crush your conscience and destroy your liberty, if you let it. It's power isn't weapons like guns, it's power is lies, superstition and media spin.