Bethelite asked splane since mt 25 is set in the great trib because half way through mt 24 events turn to the great trib, does that not mean the generation starts when the great tribulation starts and has nothing to do with 1914. Splane replied the bible writers were not logical they would pick a topic then randomly go back to another topic.
Splane "Bible writer's not logical"
by Backinthebox 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
Where & when did this conversation take place? -
When was this? Do you have some more context to this story? -
Mmmm...sounds plausible.
That wouldn't surprise me. I know they claim parts of the Gospel narratives weren't laid out chronologically, which is how they hand-wave away the fact that, contrary to WT teaching, none of the accounts have Judas being dismissed before the establishment of the New Covenant. -
I have a feeling that Splane said "chronological" or meant to. -
They say what ever they want. When I was blowing up thier doctrines about the mediator and new covanant the elder got around it inn the heads by saying the things written were just For The anointed. Yep the whole new testament of the bible written only for the anointed. Idiots -
He might have meant to say chronological but didn't. Still it would contradict the reasoning on mt 25 taking place during the great trib because mt 24 halfway through does. Either the generation also does or it's all random guess work you can't have it both ways