was geniously created by the W.T leadership, when they shifted the idea of the coming of Gods Kingdom, to the idea that Gods kingdom is already being represented by their " visible organisation" on earth today. But as the totlitarian " ark" of the W.T crashes, many in the W.T, particularly those at Bethel will now look through the W.T "looking-glass" and no-longer see that "paradise" already existing on earth today.
When this happens, a person should decide to look clearly through a different sort of looking glass. Here is what I discoverd when I looked through my very own "looking glass":-
a) I can control what it is I am doing.
b) I can control who it is that I am.
c) I can control how I behave.
And most importantly I discoverd
D) It was only in the W.T I had absolutely no control of who I was.
So what is it you discoverd when you looked through "YOUR" looking class and not the " W.T" looking glass?
The Rebel.