Source: July 2016 “study” Watchtower.
Page 11 paragraph 17.
“We should not imitate the people of ‘the nations,’ who have no real faith in a loving heavenly Father who cares for those who put the interests of his Kingdom first in their life.”
Page 16 paragraph 13
“Many are so wrapped up in their mundane affairs of life...”
Page 17 paragraph 14
“Instead, we must regularly associate with fellow Christians at our congregation meetings, where God’s sprit is present.”
Page 23 paragraph 11
“By their preaching and teaching work, they [the anointed remnant] have brought millions of ‘other sheep’ into a righteous standing before Jehovah.”
The last paragraph in the Insight Volume I under humility states:
“False humility can actually result in developing haughtiness in the individual, for he may tend to think he is righteous on his own merit; or he may feel that he is accomplishing his ends, not realizing that he cannot deceive Jehovah. If haughtiness develops, he will in time be humbled in a way that he will not enjoy. He will be brought low, and it may be to his own destruction.—Pr 18:12; 29:23.”