An old friend in another appearance: (Hudson Valley - WTS shell)

by Gorbatchov 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorbatchov
    Since 1995 Gorby likes to investigate the organizational behind the Jehovah's Witnesses, and is working now on a publication about it. I will keep you updated about that.

    Now, in the memorial week, I found a new Watchtower trade Brand under the wings of Kingdom Support Service, Inc. and it's name is Hudson Valley. That's not strange. They openly use the Brand on their new website, selling all their building equipment used at Warwick.

    Visit this site at:

    Take a look at the 50.000 parts of equipment, an enormous stock.

    We can compare this brand with the Circuit lease and later on Circuit Vehicles brand.

    Visit this site at:
  • zeb

    You are correct. At the "Contact us.." isn't that the address of the wt HQ?

    So what the hell are they playing at? Fishing for addresses?

  • Gorbatchov

    Zeb, they are just selling their used equipment now the Warwick location is build.

    What I see is the continues correlation between the WTS and a trading company.

    And the enormous cost the WTS has been spending on this project. It's unbelievable they

    have own cranes and heavy machines with a worth of > 200.000 dollar each.

    We can see their priority's clearly, if you compare how much elderly and sick you can help with these funds.

    The WTS is a company.


  • joe134cd
    It's just a shame they couldn't of put that money toward helping the people they laid off.
  • gingerbread

    They're selling everything!

    I can understand big equipment that won't be used on this site ... or, obviously, on construction of larger assembly halls or convention centers in North America.

    But - selling garbage cans, drills, grinders and hammers???

    It's a HUGE yard/liquidation/going out of business sale!


  • Freeandclear

    When I went to an International Convention in Prague back in 2006 we were told by the Org what travel agency would be handling all the flights and hotel stuff, etc..... I had to call and get some information and I noticed while talking to the nice young lady on the other end of the line that she sounded very much like a JW.....I asked her directly. So are you a JW? She kind of laughed a little and said something to put me off like "Well we're not really supposed to talk about that." Then she chuckled again. She must have said something in a "theocratic" way that made me suspect.

    Why all the secrecy here? That's what I thought at the time. When it comes to business the bOrg have their hands in anything that makes money....... I used to really think they were so selfless and that no one was getting rich. I no longer believe this..... Wow.

  • Hadriel

    quick thought. Of the cranes listed here and I'm going to guess that they originally paid around 3.5 or 4 million for the below listed. Who knows how many others have yet been listed.

    How many poor would this feed?

    Also why not rent? Long term rental even if charged for 24 hours a day 4 mil goes a long way like years worth of rentals.

    Not to mention the amount of repairs these things much take and maintenance as well.

    How was it cost efficient to purchase their own equipment over long term rental. Add to that some of the prices listed here in just some brief comparisons are high so they may lose considerably more money.

    Was this the best use of the millions of dollars of the friends money?

    Just askin....

  • startingover
    I've never seen anything like this before. Usually big companies liquidating use the auction method. It seems so strange for them to be selling one screwdriver at a time.
  • oppostate
    No auctions for the WT, the Greedy Busterds want every little last penny they can get.

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