Creation declares Jehovah's glory. However, the Devil's world promotes God-dishonoring theories about the origin of life.
Wow, how did I once not see how crazy this crap sounds?
One thing I notice now is how they love to focus on the "wonders of creation" but never seem to like talking about the "horrors of creation." Like the parasites that tunnel their way through your body, or the massive teeth used by predators to rip their prey limb from limb. They also don't like to mention the "creation" that engages in behavior that goes against God's own laws, like the way Bonobos engage in random casual sex with little regard for gender, or the way mosquitoes, ticks, and bats drink blood copiously.
They also love to point at evolution and say it's improbable. The fact is though, that any natural solution no matter outlandish is more probable than a supernatural one, for the simple reason that NO supernatural explanation has ever been proven for ANYTHING! Meanwhile, natural explanations have a long history of supplanting superstitious nonsense!
...Okay, rant over