What? No Looting?

by metatron 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Some of you may remember the atmosphere of panic and fear that accompanied

    the great blackout in the '60's.

    How times have changed!

    The mayor of Detroit was pleased that crime seems to have decreased

    during the outage. All in all, times have changed for the better.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Say WHAT? Didn't they know it was jist too DANG HOT ta get out der and hustle up some rustle this time? Felt like a nukular meldown out der! Evybody's shorts was stuck in dey cracks an' sweat runnin' down in dey eyes....can't SEE nuffin' ta steal dat way, dude!

    Frannie B

  • shamus

    I looted like crazy! I got fourteen television sets!!!

  • chachasmum

    ROTFLMAO @ Frannie you are too funny

  • Aztec

    Shamus, I got me a new stereo and a new dvd player...let's riot!!!




    Last thing I heard via radio: 38 major arrests, considered "crimes of opportunity".

    But....Ottawa, the nation's capital, experienced some horrendous crimes. I stand to be corrected, but I believe to (2) murders and a multitude of arrests.

    Keep in mind, Ottawa is much smaller than Toronto.

    Nonetheless, this is most unusual for Ottawa. Generally, a peaceful, picturesque city (metro 1 million).

  • metatron

    I guess I'm looking at US cities with a different standard of crime to start with, than Canada.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Hiya, Chachasmum! Glad to meetcha here....I've started to reply to some of your posts several times, but always seemed to have run out of my posting limit...and then when I got back on, I lost track of where you were....I enjoy reading your posts, too, cherie! Thanks!

    Frannie B

  • Aztec


    According to Kilpatrick, only 6 felony arrests, attributable to the blackout, were made Friday night.

    Yeah, Detroit did okay. Better than Ottawa anyway...LOL! I love Hockeytown!


  • Joker10

    This time the police knew how to act.

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