So much for jesus saving anything. And neither will joke-hova, or any leaders in the names of either. Here, one church group got the ball rolling. In the case of the jokehovians, you are likely to see the virus spreading through whole communities, one witless spreading it from door to door or contracting the virus at the door, subsequently infecting whole congregations and many in the ministry. Or, anyone stupid enough to attempt a mission in Israel this year is in for a rude awakening.
In addition to direct harm from the virus, they are taught not to prepare. "Trust in the Lord" in one form or another, is bad advice. These people should have been using field circus time and money going to the store to pick up extra supplies. With the amount of money wasted on just 3 suit dry-cleanings, they could reasonably buy 10 pounds of rice, one bag of powdered milk, a few different bags of legumes (varied legumes mixed with beans, peas, and lentils), a tub of peanut butter, a couple boxes of crackers, and a few spices. Not much, but that would be enough to not starve in a 2 week supply disruption. With the amount wasted in one month for field circus gas, one could get 10 pounds of pasta, a tub of broth, a few cans of tuna or chicken, and other ingredients to make assorted meals out of it.
This goes for all church. How much money do people waste by putting it on the collection plate that could have gone for a box of Bisquick or equivalent baking mix? Or for that bottle of echinacea or oregano oil? Now is not the time to worry about jesus getting its money. You are better off spending it on food. Even silver should take a back seat to food at a time like this--once the shortages hit, or once the crisis passes, then is a good time to resume stacking silver or gold. No, I do not advocate going in and buying $20,000 worth of stuff now. (And especially things like bottled water. Pandemics do not wipe out water. And this is not a grid down situation.)
And, with the energy you donate to joke-hova to enslave mankind, the money is the least of your worries. By putting your energy to this thing instead of using it to protect your health, you could pick up the virus. Or, turn what might have been a "cold" into something where you end up in the hospital. You need that energy. God does not.