Did anyone else here go a bit odd on New year's Eve 1975 to New Year's Day 1976?
I had been out of the org for a couple of years at the time, but not got around to debunking the beliefs.
What my mind went through around the above dates could be regarded as borderline psychotic, though the black hash probably didn't help.
I've just started tackling a first draft writing what I can remember about that period.
It probably wasn't helpful that my JW mother died a week into 1976. She had been ill quite a bit for some years, but after the date for the apocalypse passed, I do wonder if she just gave up. Prior to that she possibly believed she would never have to die, but once the big A got delayed, maybe she felt that she couldn't face years of illness and the fight went out of her.
I am finding that trying to write my history is a bigger undertaking than I first expected, but I'll do it even if it takes me years.