Controversy Early Day's Watchtower

by vienne 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • vienne
  • vienne

    I have no idea how I ended up with duplicate posts. Maybe remove one of them?

  • Phizzy

    Thank you vienne, very interesting stuff, it shows how those Religious movements in the late 1900's were able to start, and grow in some measure, quite easily.

    A charismatic man with a different view on what the Bible is about usually heads them , though there were similar women, most fizzled out eventually, but 7th Day Adventists, Latter Day Saints, Christian Science, Russell's W.T etc, all survived.

    A good business plan was needed to survive, it would seem.

    It is amazing how long people stuck to such movements, not only because of the advances in Scientific knowledge, but also the advancing Biblical Scholarship which from the 19th Century gradually became much more sophisticated and indeed Scientific in approach, and showed the Bible gradually to be more and more questionable.

    I presume the same techniques were used as those used by the JW org and the Mormons , SDA's etc. that of persuading the adherents that they alone had the "Truth" and counter messages were to be ignored.

    Fascinating stuff ! Thank you for your work !!

  • vienne

    It's not my work. It's that of one of the blog editors. But it is fascinating.

  • Earnest

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Annie. I was amused that Ulysses Morrow wrote about his conversion to the Koreshan belief of a hollow earth from a previous "flat earth" belief. As "Jerome", the writer of the article says, Russell must have breathed a big sigh of relief when they parted company.

  • waton
    to the Koreshan belief of a hollow earth

    Read more:

    E: that struck me too. Like the bible , and wt talk itself, there is a lot of science fiction in the religious field, but

    Scientist are looking at harvesting more, or not, of far out starlight. see New Scientist article above.

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