Hey guys, i decided to make a youtube channel a few days ago, so far i have made 2 videos sharing my experiences and plan on making more. I have received alot of encouragement and would love you guys to check it out and also so you can put a face to my name. Much love! Here are the links...
Check out my youtube channel!
by HereIgo 5 Replies latest jw experiences
Yes. I'll have a look later. I have access denied at work so can't see a thing. I'm on YouTube too as Arthur Spudgun. I used to be Cyril Quatermass but last my log in details. I did mainly Jobo stuff. Feel free to have a look and comment too.
I just subscribed sir, I will check out your videos
Hey bro , nice to hear yr story , and nice to see a face behind the batman mask lol ,well done waking up on yr own ,my wife helped me to wake up , I'm sure you have attempted to nudge yr mom awake too but how's that gone if u have ? I know for the most part and in my experience that is a rocky road with many barriers ...
Thanks for the feedback bro! I have never gone out of my way to nudge my Mom. I don't want to give her any reason to accuse me of being an apostate because I don't agree with the JW definition. However, when she has tried to bring me back to the "truth", I would bring up certain subjects that she had no interest in hearing, such as the ARC. That would pretty much end the conversation lol. But yes, it is always a rocky road.
Great video :thumbsup:
I have never gone out of my way to nudge my Mom. I don't want to give her any reason to accuse me of being an apostate because I don't agree with the JW definition
I think that's a good strategy - if you try to push too much too fast, it's easy to alienate people and the mental shutters come down as they have been conditioned to do.