So this is from a couple of years ago but I happened to have found it in the podcasts from ABC Radio National in Australia.
I thought it was an interesting interview and am passing it along in case it has not been posted here in the past.
by NikL 2 Replies latest jw friends
So this is from a couple of years ago but I happened to have found it in the podcasts from ABC Radio National in Australia.
I thought it was an interesting interview and am passing it along in case it has not been posted here in the past.
excellent,...thanks for the share.....
Thanks for putting this up I will listen to it later ,Paul was also interviewed on TV some time ago that is also worth watching ,whether it is the same interview or not I`m not sure.
Highly reccomended , he is very well composed and not bitter in his presentation of his experiences and family fallout of his leaving the Jehovahs Witnesses .