No, this isn't about suddenly becoming aware of how much you hate airports. It is about people with profound brain impairments like mental retardation, Alzheimer's, Stroke and Dementia (often in a coma) suddenly becoming normal and lucid shortly before passing away.
This is important because the WT teaches that consciousness is a function of the physical brain. How can this be when the brain is so impaired as to make consciousness impossible? We should re-visit ALL of what the WT taught us now that we are more aware than ever of their total depravity.
"Kathy was among the most profoundly disabled of the patients at the asylum. Happich (her physician) paints a vivid picture of her mental status. “From birth on,” he writes, “she was seriously retarded. She had never learned to speak a single word. She stared for hours on a particular spot, then fidgeted for hours without a break. She gorged her food, fouled herself day and night, uttered an animal-like sound, and slept … never [taking] notice of her environment even for a second.” ....As if that weren’t enough, Käthe suffered several severe meningitis infections over the years that had damaged her cortical brain tissue.
Yet, despite all this, as the woman lay dying ...Wittneben, Happich, and other staff members at the facility gathered in astonishment at her bedside. “Käthe,” wrote Happich, “who had never spoken a single word, being entirely mentally disabled from birth on, sang dying songs to herself. Specifically, she sang over and over again, ‘Where does the soul find its home, its peace? Peace, peace, heavenly peace!’” For half an hour she sang. Her face, up to then so stultified, was transfigured and spiritualized. Then, she quietly passed away.”
The WT seems somewhat unique among religious groups to insist that there is no consciousness after death.
It's time to question yet another WT teaching. The nature of consciousness.