Given the current world situation with the COVID-19 Pandemic and so many social distancing, Staying at home and self quarantining. All meetings are currently being held on Zoom assemblies and conventions are viewed via the website . This is the perfect time to FADE-OUT and you probably won’t even be noticed! What are your thoughts?
Fading out during the pandemic?
by Kingdavid41 7 Replies latest social current
Sea Breeze
This is the PERFECT time to contact your JW family members and try to talk some sense into their heads. There has never been a more perfect time than now to show relatives the many problems with JW theology while they are away from the congregation elder masters.
I'd be a bit reserved to question family member's beliefs. They need to ask their own questions....not yours.
It's a long wait and unfortunately many family members never ask.
On the other hand this is a perfect time to share your generosity....... making sure your close family is not left out in the cold as JW's tend to do with inconvenient believers........ if they are not firm believers you may, with kindness, show them you care....even if the congregation doesn't.
There's nothing like being scorned and guilted by people who totally believe they have the Truth but don't offer anything your family may need.
Not sure about the " may not even be noticed" bit.
The latest Letter to Elders urges yet again that Elders contact all that they can regularly, even Inactive ones, so the High Control is in overdrive rather than slacking off. I found it easy (ish) to Fade in a fairly large Congregation with lazy Elders than I think it would be now, Elders have the time to check up on you.
And have been instructed to do so.
I agree. In the past, the only contact I had was from my service group overseer once a month sending me a text asking for my time. Now I get a text or call a week asking how I am and if I don't join the Zoom meeting I'm sure to get a call. So I think it's a worse time to fade actually.
I personally know of a couple where covid was the deciding factor in their physically leaving the cult. Mind you they were already PIMO way before covid started. They just needed a catalyst to push them out the door.
I think it will still depend on how vigilant your congregation is as to whether you'd be noticed. I think it's a great time to take the pressure off of yourself while developing an exit strategy. Log into the zoom meetings with the audio only. Catch Covid and be unavailable for communication. Lose internet and phone service because of job instability.
My JW relatives are tripping over themselves to get us going again...this is REALLY the end!
I have noticed some of the “ social witnesses” aren’t attending the Zoom meeting ls as much. I think sitting at home watching the meetings made them realize how pointless and boring they are without sitting with a group of people feeling superior to everyone.