The Power Behind Rutherford

by DNCall 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DNCall

    Not the Holy Spirit and not the couple on the left. It's the couple on the right, Bonnie and Bill Heath. To be more precise, it was their money that empowered JF Rutherford and much of what he was able to do. Much has been written about them here, most notably by Farkel. I just thought you might like to see what they looked like. The couple on the left is my parents, Al and Virginia Kavelin. They and the Healths enjoyed having drinks as often as possible. This picture was taken in the 1960s, after they had fallen out of grace with the Knorr administration.

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  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Why did they fall out of grace with Knorr?

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  • minimus

    Give us more information 👍👍

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  • DNCall

    Rutherford was dead, Knorr was now in charge and the Heaths were not part of his inner circle. Knorr didn't need 16 cylinder cars or West Coast mansions; things that the Heaths supplied for Rutherford. Look up some of Farkel's posts on Bonnie and Berta, the Heaths and their relationship to Rutherford. It's fascinating reading. As far as I know the only vestige of the Heaths at headquarters is Bill's nephew, Danny Black who is on the writing staff.

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  • vienne

    Source for your suggestion that the Heaths paid for Beth Sarim. I'm very, very interested.


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  • DNCall

    They paid for Beth Shan. I believe Bill's name was on the deed. I'm not certain about Beth Sarim, although they likely were involved in that as well. Again, much of this information has been supplied by Farkel. Search on "Bonnie and Berta Farkel"

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  • minimus

    Good old Farkel. Love him or hate him, he was a great researcher and he didn’t take any crap from anyone. I don’t think he would have survived this present day board.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    How did Farkel pass away?


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