How Jim Jones Kept His Followers Obedient.
How Jim Jones Kept His Followers Obedient
by Bangalore 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good thread. Intimidation and isolation and violence. Same methods that Jehovah's Witnesses & Scientology uses to keep their followers " obedient " . Unfortunately it works. Thanks for posting this - interesting article -
Bill Covert
There was a Redding Ca. attorney and family who partook in that suicide.
You are right,Mr Flipper.All cults seem to use similar methods.
The mom beating her kid because she was afraid of him abusing her. Being chastised publicly was like a fate worse then death. The WT is the same, just larger scaled and slightly (not much) more subtle. Solitary confinement as a way "to get through to" people that he actually thought was a good way!
Yeah. shades of JWism.
IMO, the moment a religion starts physically abusing its members to keep them in...
...the religion itself has already - on some level - realized that it's bullshit.