I have just finished reading Brock Talons second book (see above). Well worth the read. Terribly honest and humbling to read. His family life was a monster and his descriptions of Bethel concur with those from other authors. Go read it.
"Escape from Paradise"
by zeb 9 Replies latest jw experiences
i just finished it too! He really improved in his art, since Journey to God's house.....the previous book was good...but this one was EXCELLENT! Good job Brock! -
Brock Talon
Zeb - For your kind support, I thank you again. I'm the one that's humbled.
BlackFalcon98 - I was kind of hoping someone would say that I had improved in my art of writing. I was actually going for that.
That said, the two books are like my children, so I'm not allowed to like one more than the other...
Where can I get a copy? -
Amazon has it (book and kindle)
That said, the two books are like my children, so I'm not allowed to like one more than the other
I always used to tell my kids "don't tell your brother but you're my favourite" - am I a bad parent? They found out one day and thought it was funny.
Brock Talon
Thanks for the book link reference, much appreciated.
You are a good parent by the way because you told them not to tell the other, as well as saying it to them both. You wanted them each to feel special... and so they are. That's why they laughed when they found out, because it's a neat trick.
While I'm at it, I'm curious as to what anyone might think of the book promo. Is it cool, or eerie, or what?
Escape from Paradise - YouTube promo
I'm enjoying the book. Right here on my desk!
The promo would have really perked my attention if the background music was a mysterious sounding rendition of a easily recognizable kingdom melody.
Juan Viejo2
Brock, I like the promo very much. Love the way you show the contents and flip the book around. On the other hand, it seems incomplete somehow - like it should have had some pull quotes or a voice over.
Hope to read it and review it very soon.
Awake at last
I just finished reading both books on Kindle, the Paradise one last night. I'm going to get Mr Awake at last to read them now. They were both good in their own ways but most people will relate to the Paradise book more as most have not been to Bethel.
Thank you Brock for two good reads.
Brock Talon
Kairos, Interesting idea (using mysterious Kingdom Melodie music), but I don't know if I have the musical chops to pull that one off.
Juan Viejo2, Thanks for the feedback. If I ever did do a voice-over, I could probably use one of my good friends for that because he has an awesome deep voice and actually does voice-overs professionally (as a side income).
Awake at last, You are so welcome. Even though I do have a "style" (of sorts), I tried very hard to have the second book stand on its own and to have a different tone. I was thinking the same as you, that is, that "Escape from Paradise" might be one that more people can relate to, perhaps even the non-JW. Hopefully even the non-JW.