JWs teach Babylon the Great is the whole empire of false religion. Interestingly, Bible’s definition of it would include JWs also because it is the entity “that rules over the kings of the earth.” (Rev 17:18) Since Revelation is given in symbols (Rev 1:1) “kings” cannot be literal, but can mean minds of people because mind acts like king over everyone’s bodily kingdom.
No one exerts power over the minds of JWs like their GB does. Just like members of other religions blindly follow what their leaders teach, JWs too do—even when changes that are introduced under the guise of “new light” are virtually numerous. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UrjfNBy6jlZ8lSibVe7VSRgihTxkwqbrLUzIHLGFH-E/edit) No one thinks ‘If God does not change’ (Malachi 3:6) how can He go on changing His teachings with no end? Numerous changes also highlight the degree of confusion it has got (just like the very name ‘babel’ which means confusion (Gen. 11:4–9)