All these damn years in that damn cult -- remember how they tell you that Jehovah looks upon those "who are sighing and groaning" (at all the terrible things being done.... focusing on all the evils and woes of the world and Satan's system) -- and that all this sighing & groaning is some sort of mark of holiness?????
Every negative news article, every bad bit of something or circumstance - all support and become part of that woeful mindset. And we are supposed to KEEP ON being like that, sighing and groaning our lives away to receive some sort of damn mark from an angel's ink horn, to mark us as worthy of life.
Remember?? ... Sorry, I sooooo want to swear and curse and stomp around, but will attempt to keep a civil tongue.
THIS IS JUST ANOTHER DICHOTOMY OF THIS CULT -- that Jehovah's people are supposed to be happy people, having a wonderful hope, etc., yet we are also supposed to be sighing and groaning in order to receive this mark.
Well, freaking sighing and groaning is NOT doing so much for me, you know???
For almost 30 years in that damn cult, I have fretted and sobbed and sighed and groaned and "paid close attention" to all their talks and study articles of woe and destruction and ruin of the earth and horrible people and violence and strife and bloodshed and earthquakes and floods and tsunamis and bad, bad books and movies and recreation and immorality (their definitions) and all the ways of badness, to the nth degree! -- and more ruin and strife and destruction (culminating in the utmost and most fearsome and terrible destruction by Jehovah himself!!) --
And just how is it holy to be so focused on CRAP and negative shit???
Oh but they will say no, no, we have this wonderful hope, we are supposed to consider things which are righteous and holy... peaceable, upbuilding, etc., but EVEN THOSE THINGS are defined by the WT!!!! Even the positive things are geared toward fulfilling their agenda; again, to the nth degree.