It was just a matter of time.
The main issue is seniority, and Job Security
by Quarterback 5 Replies latest social humour
It was just a matter of time.
The main issue is seniority, and Job Security
I think a strike may be in the works! : D
They have decided to use Rudolf as an Arbitrator. But, Rudolf is under restrictions for the reasons behind his red nose. It seems he's a fan of Whiskey. He blames his association with that St. Bernard who supplies him with that booze.
Now that the GB Helpers are going to become Movie Stars on that Broadcast show, they want more pay. They also refuse doing the stunts for the GB.
Well, that figures. Rudolph's nose should be brown, the way he's always sucking up to Santa. How do you think he got that lead position with the sleigh, what with his drinking and carrying on? He'll be bending over for management.
I suppose, though, that the helpers deserve a slice of the pie. After all, why should Santa and the GB get all the glory?
"Governing Body Helpers", or "Helpers to the Governing Body"...however its' said...I think of teacher's pet, ass-kisser, brown-noser, apple-polisher.
"Helper" is such a foolish and infantile title or label to put on a grown man whose position is such that he plays a large role in the teachings and spiritual guidance through literature that he produces for the benefit of the rank and file JW. No wonder that the approximately 115,000 JW congregations are full of marital and other family related problems. Just like a kid, these "Helpers" can't make up their minds on what to teach. And to think there are over 30 of these holy terrors!