I wonder what D.Trump thinks of this order, placed with a Chinese company by Chicago transport

by fulltimestudent 4 Replies latest social current

  • fulltimestudent

    Its interesting to watch these shenagins, isn't it? The order was for:

    846 7000-series rail cars from CSR Sifang America JV, which submitted the lowest bid, Chicago Transport Authority said in a statement on its website Thursday. Prototypes for an initial order for 400 train cars are due in 2019 and expected to go into a service a year later after tests. As part of its winning bid, CSR Sifang will also invest $40 million to build a rail assembly facility in Chicago. ...
    ... The deal is China’s second in the U.S., following the one China CNR Corp. won in October 2014 worth $567 million to supply trains for Boston’s subway system."

    Link: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-03-10/chicago-hands-china-1-3-billion-order-for-new-urban-train-cars

  • prologos
    So, Bombardier Inc., from visiting Trudeau's home town,- province got bombed by the industrious Chinese, and like one poster mentioned on the "Trump" thread, local power trumps the president's. The blue collar work remains in Chicago though, the Chinese are doing only the engineering, investing, organizing, management.--- blue collar trump jobs remain in Amerika, that is what Drumf agitates for. The oratory deal by the dealer.
  • DesirousOfChange

    The blue collar work remains in Chicago though, the Chinese are doing only the engineering, investing, organizing, management.

    But they will structure the cost of those things in such a manner that the US based manufacturing plant shows no profit and thus owes no corp taxes to the US or Illinois.


  • FadeToBlack
    And probably, those who are fortunate to get hired will find that their wages are lower than previously.
  • fulltimestudent
    DesirousOfChange : But they will structure the cost of those things in such a manner that the US based manufacturing plant shows no profit and thus owes no corp taxes to the US or Illinois.

    That seems to be the way international business is done, as organised by the current world hegemon.

    In Australia, (at least), American businesses (Google, MacDonalds, etc) dodge the payment of enormous amounts of taxes, it's becoming a bit of an issue in local politics, as royalties from the slumping export of iron ore to China, although I really cant see any of our two possible oligarchies doing much about it.

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