Toilet noises

by pleaseresearch 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • pleaseresearch

    When growing up as a child I would go to the toilet, and now as an adult I know what those noises were.

    They were tugging and jerking sounds, along with heavy breathing. I had no idea what was going on. I remember too telling my mum about it.

    But I now know. We had no phones or tablets back then. So maybe it was a Watchtower or Awake magazine. Or something stored in the memory bank. But why couldn't they wait until home.

  • Phizzy

    Wanking in the Kingdom Hall ???? It always struck me that people who could do that sort of thing, and worse, simply could not believe in Jehoober.

  • bohm

    That awkward moment when your new latin-American study Jesus Hernandez is in the hall the first time and takes "we are all waiting for Jesus to come" a bit too literal.

    But really, Yew! again: YEW YEW YEW.

  • Finkelstein

    This picture of the Harlot used to get me stirred a bit in my youth but not enough to go the bathroom and puddle my pud.

  • pleaseresearch

    I was so innocent though hahaha. I didn't have the internet and knew people did this.

    But it was wrong to do it in the hall. I wanted to look under sometimes to see what the noise was. I'm happy now I didn't.

  • Diogenesister

    I have heard this talked about time and again. Is it the thrill of doing something wrong a turn-on? Or a subconscious rebellion - spitting on the floor of the Kingdom Hall, metaphorically speaking (or not)? Or sheer boredom?

    I know this much; I've never heard of any other ideology doing such a thing in their temple, church, mosque etc.

  • jaydee

    those Live forever books sold like hot cakes don't you know....

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  • pleaseresearch

    Haha yeah I bet that's what he took in with him.

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