population on earth… (figures in 1999)
if we compare the population to a hundred people in a little town ... this is how it would look like.
57 Asian
21 Europeans
14 Américans (North and et South)
8 Africans
52 women
48 men
70 Non-white people
30 white people
70 non-christians
30 christians
89 heterosexuals
11 homosexuals
6 would have 59% of the world richness,
all of them would be from the U.S.A.
80 would live in a housing of bad quality
70 would be illiterate
50 would suffer from malnutrition
1 would be close to death
1 would be close to born
1 would have a college level
1 would have a computer (maybe 1,5 in 2003)
And now :
If you wake up this morning with more health than disease, you are luckier than the million people which will not see the next week.
If you never were in danger of a battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the anguish of torture, rage of the hunger, you are better than 500 million people.
If you can go to your church without fear to be threatened, tortured or killed, you have a better chance than 3 billion people.
If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes on you, a roof on your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of inhabitants on earth.
If you have money in your bank, in your wallet or in small box, you belonged to the 8% the most privileged world.
If your parents are still alive and always marry, you are really rare person.
... see how lucky a few are ? ... TERRIBLE WORLD