Any takers?
What makes you happy?
by Iamallcool 6 Replies latest jw experiences
work, making things that work. (from an almost 91 year old)
Pete Zahut
Playing with my grandkids
Taking care of my dog
Improving things for myself or others (house, yard, vehicle etc.)
Being needed
Getting things done
Seeing new places
Visiting or doing things with people I have a history with.
My attitude keeps me from taking anything seriously.
I am an absurd person. I see life as absurd.
Life isn't what happens - it's how you deal with what happens.
Except in the case of a bullet wound.
Happy activities: I ride my bike instead of driving a car.
Every time the price of gasoline goes up - I smile bigger.
I took the Stimulus check and bought an electric bicycle. I can go much farther
and not worry about getting back, or about steep hills.
I have an APP that shows me weather radar so I'm prepared.
I stay informed so I won't be ignorant - but - I don't argue with people
who are minimally informed (and only from one source.)
People who say and do provocative things - I try and avoid them and do not engage.
If forced to engage I remain calm and inquisitive.
I have abandoned the past (not wallowing in regrets). Today is enough.
All the above has to do with TEMPERAMENT.
I'm no good at worrying so I don't do it.
And that's what makes me happy: not seeing things as happiness destroyers. -
I ride my bike instead of driving a car.
Every time the price of gasoline goes up - I smile bigger.
I took the Stimulus check and bought an electric bicycle.Bicycle----electric- bicycle->>>>>>>>
James Brown
What makes me happy? From a 68 year old male. I play soccer 2 to 3 times a week with much younger people. That makes me happy. I play guitar and learn new techniques and songs that are beyond my ability when I make progress doing music that makes me happy. I walk my dog 1 mile every morning and go to the gym 5 times a week, that makes me happy. I am vegan, It makes me happy that I do not have to eat another sentient being to maintain my existence. I read and study and try to be aware of what is going on in this world. Doing that makes me sad. So I have to go back to the top every day and start all over again.