If the UN is the 'wild beast' waiting to attack JW any moment, what's going on here?

by Whooey 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Whooey

    From the *Permanent Mission of Poland to United Nations Office at Geneva* on Twitter:


    "📢 How is #freedom of #religion or #belief interrelated to security-related concerns - this was discussed🗣️by UN SR Ahmed Shaheed, Kishan Manocha (OSCE ODIHR) and Marc Hansen (Jehovah’s Witnesses) in 💻 side event held by 🇵🇱#Poland in the margins of 🇺🇳#HRC46.
    #FORB #PLinUNHRC https://t.co/49ZquyBCYZ"


    I found this by typing into the Twitter search box **jehovah's witnesses** then clicked on **latest**

  • Whooey

    Marc Hansen is from Belgium, where a court this week ruled that:

    Jehovah’s Witnesses given €12,000 fine for incitement to hatred against ex-members


    See also:


    "It was a pleasure to host today at our delegation a presentation for EU Member States on the human rights situation of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. Thank you, Paul Gillies and Marc Hansen, for the insightful presentation! #humanrights #freedomofthought #freedomofreligion https://t.co/snaBF3LBWZ"

  • Rocketman123

    What has happened in Belgium recently has nothing to do with the UN .

  • Whooey

    I didn't say it did.

    The point is, Mark Hansen, who is from Belgium, was talking about freedom of religion and belief, to the UN and OSCE, immediately after the Belgium ruling...the hypocrisy could not have been more stunning and spectacularly clear, and so typical of Watchtower

  • Rocketman123

    If you haven't noticed yet the WTS/JWS have lied and twisted up information at their own self serving wim

    They will probably do so in the future.

  • Rocketman123

    The fact is the UN and its associated NGOs are in the support and proliferation of religion around the world not against it.

    Think about the UN situated and operating in the US was its majority of its population practicing Christians, does anyone with a sane mind think the UN is going to turn against Christianity in that country where the UN was established and functions ?

    JWs have the heads up their ass most of the time placed there intentionally through the ignorance and stupidity by its top GB leaders.

  • truth_b_known

    I have heard the Watchtower has cooled its jets in regards to the whole "the UN is the Wild Beast of Revelation." I have been out for about 15 years so I do not know for sure. What I do remember is the order of operations -

    1. The UN turns on all false religion and shuts it down

    2. The UN sees that JWs remain and then the UN tries to shut them down

    3. Queue Armageddon

    As long as the Pope is drinking cappuccinos on his golden throne at the Vatican anything government does to JWs is not according to their failed prophecy.

  • Vidiot

    Yeah, they're still running with Fred Franz' old Cold-War-era End Times script*...

    ...which, at this point, is so logistically improbable that it would take decades for geopolitical events to rearrange themselves in a way that could make it happen.

    *The eschatology is too deeply imbedded in the ideology... not to mention that there's no one left with the creative chops to give it the necessary rewrite.

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