(I never was a JW).
This topic occurred to me randomly. I don't know whether any/many posters heer have visited. The region is beautiful but marred, IMHO, by the scar that is Lourdes. And that's because, and only because, of religion.
About 15 years ago I visited the area with ex-wife #1 and our French friends. They were practising and believing RCs and this was a 'must see' place to visit. We went along out of interest. I have never seen anything like it.
More than 7,000,000 people visit Lourdes annually. It was a small village until 1858 when a local 14 year old poor peasant girl had the first of 18 visions of the virgin Mary. People started to come hhoping for miraculous cures. Today, it has more hotels than any city in France outside Paris.
I found it an incredibly depressing place. The town streets are full of 'tat' shops selling stuff like hollow plastic 'Mary' bottles you can fill with 'holy water', battery-operated 'flashing light' plaques of Mary, and so on. The square was filled with wheelchairs and trolley stretcher beds containg the hopeful, some of whom had travelled thousands of miles hoping for a miracle. Some pilgrims crawled on hands and knees round the 'stations of the cross' route.
It was deluded religious belief on steroids. Xw#1 and I were by this time atheists and found it hard to comprehend. I confess that the sacred grotto was empty and deserted and we found the time and place for a quick copulate. I put that down to the sun and the wine.
Our French friends (esp. the wife) were completely convinced by the place - she felt that some of her undefined symptoms were relieved by her pilgrimage, and it would have been unkind to challenge this.
I understand that there is a large standing medical and scientific committee at Lourdes which investigates 'miracle' claims. So far, I think, they've pronounced about 60 cases as 'miracles'.
This place has to be seen to be believed (or not).
As I understand it, some/many/most JWs believe in divine intervention and/or miracles - anything from finding their car keys to a cure from cancer. I wonder how some of them would react if you transported them from Smallville USA and plonked them down in Lourdes, where they could share their experiences with 7,000,000 other hopefuls?
Just a random thought, as I said.