Another Gem

by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    Another gem of a book!

    StolenMinds-Understanding Cults by Rabbi Michael Skobac

    Only a feww pages into the book and I find it interesting!

    A few lines see if rings familiar bells!!!

    " Most cults have a self-appointed authoritarian leader who is accountable to no one. Some groups may have a core leadership consisting of several people, sometimes members of one family. Leaders often claim to have special knowledge, powers or a unique vision. If it is a religious group, they may claim to be extraordinary prophets with a special relationship to God or possess a particular truth accessible only to them. These characteristics apply in various degrees in different groups.

    Leaders will foster emotionally dependent relationships within the membership to exploit them, usually for money, power or loyalty, to ensure they “donate” tremendous amounts of time to the group.

    If anyone has read it ,what did you think?


  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    Some more lines from the book, quite telling dont you think.I have heard this jargon before in the cult!

    "Sometimes, recruits can encounter unfamiliar jargon, concepts or ideas that destabilize them with feelings of ineptitude. To alleviate this stress, people are provoked to keep on conforming and playing by the rules. At the same time, their many questions remain unanswered, deflected or put off to a vague future date."

    How many times a person has asked questions or has doubts, a Body of Odours(clergy) always says wait on jokovah and he will give more light in the future! Thereby keeping the person conforming and playing by their rules, under their thumb.


  • Finkelstein

    Leaders will foster emotionally dependent relationships within the membership to exploit them, usually for money, power or loyalty, to ensure they “donate” tremendous amounts of time to the group.

    Spot on

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    " Most cults know the negative comments that recruits will encounter from these concerned and caring individuals. Soon, a veteran cult member will discuss their predictable critiques and defuse them by explaining why they are only misunderstandings or the unfortunate prejudices of those who aren’t in the know. In the future, when the recruit will hear these charges from loved ones, ironically, the cult gains credibility. After all, the group actually predicted the exact criticism that would come from these unenlightened outsiders."

    Jdumbs fulfil this criteria always when friends and family try to tell them it is a cult, or false prophecies or CSA lawsuits.Immediately persecution mentality comes to mind.Bingo!

    No truer words.

    Boy this was one helluva book for a life coach.


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