Latest Dubtown reality check.
Plan for the future - like the Governing Body
by The Fall Guy 6 Replies latest jw friends
The GB retirement plan is getting people to believe in their fear mongering theological bullshit and get these people to give them money or land.
It has worked pretty good so far, the WTS/JWorg overall has over 2 billion dollars in assets.
The GB men and their wives get food, shelter, cars, dental and health care and they get to fly around the world on the WTS .
It would appear the GB have made a very good retirement plan for themselves.
Typical for communism. They take all your money, including children's fun money. They also ban things that cost a little money and that provide fun, and then expect everyone to donate that money. They even expect people to go into debt to donate. Yet, despite that they have saved so much of the money they STOLE from the congregation, they look down on the individual that has as much as a couple of silver Eagles or a roll of silver dimes.
All the money you "wasted" on silver could have been better spent enriching these filthy pieces of scum.
That was beautiful. I love it.
If you’re reading this’re wonderful xxx
Very informative cartoon skit.
It makes me angry they’d send somebody to college to be a lawyer to defend the religion..but they’d tell the average JW in the congregation that college is “evil” for them. Who cares if they can’t pay their bills?..What’s even more shameful is how they get the educated guy to knock college so as to dissuade anybody else!
They’re afraid once someone has knowledge they’ll get uppity. This religion is so transparently manipulative and pathetic! What an embarrassment to be there! So glad I left ages ago.
And apparently they send females to law school also {.Unless this person I`m thinking about became a lawyer before she became a JW,} as she was defending the WT/JW religion in a magistrates court of law.
Should she have had a head covering on while she was doing this ?
I just find it amusing about the attitude of JW`s in regard to women teaching .They can`t teach baptized bros,and sisters from the platform in a KH, but they can teach men and women in the D2D ministry / Bible Study etc.without a head covering .
Yet they can "teach" in a court of law defending the WT religion and they qualify to sit with Christ Jesus in heaven and rule with him for a thousand years .?
Double standards / Inconsistent reasoning ?
road to nowhere
One of the best ones.
Who did the cartoons, haven't seen them lately