I found it a very interesting / entertaining video , though I`m not quite sure what to make of it all just now .
I will need to ponder on it and absorb it all for future comment.
It certainly gives you food for thought if you take the Bible literally as the word of God.
For those of us who do not believe the Bible is the word of God directed /sanctioned by him ,it could just mean more examples of contradictions and inconsistencies in the text .
I look forward to others comments on this video
.In the meantime I would like to point out a few facts about the name of God in the New Testament.
Matthew ,Mark,luke,John ,the 4 Apostles , not one of them used the name Jehovah/Yahweh ,the 12 disciples , not one of them ever used the personal name of God ,Jehovah/yahweh .
Jesus Christ never in the New Testament used the personal name of God either Jehovah or Yahweh.
The kingdom Interlinear of The Christian Greek Scriptures published by the WTB&TS , a word for word translation of the Greek into English does not contain the tetragrammaton , the 4 hebrew letters representing Gods name in the Old Testament .
Usually represented as JHVH ,but more accurately , YHWH ,either Jehovah or Yahweh
So the fact that Jehovahs Witnesses use that name Jehovah in the Christian Greek Scriptures /New Testament are in violation of Deut:4:2 , and 12:32 , ....Rev.22:18
Words to the effect of anybody adding to these scrolls be accursed .
Maybe thats why the WTB&TS / Jehovahs Witnesses have never got any of their predictions , prophecys right in over 100 years of claiming to be Gods spokesperson the ,only channell of comunication God is using today.
Thanks for posting this Steel
Take care.