Ezekiel 16 gives a brief history of Israel. Surprisingly, it has no resemblance with what we already know about Israel—their origin and progress as given in the prophecy Genesis 22:15-18 and also in the description that follows.
Ezekiel repeatedly says (16:2, 45) “Your ancestry and birth were in the land of the Canaanites; your father was an Amorite [descended from one of the sons of Canaan (Genesis 14:7), occupied large parts of southern Mesopotamia, and their God was Amurru] and your mother a Hittite [Ancient Anatolian people who established an empire centered on Hattusa]. Things not only did not unfold as foretold in Genesis 22:15-18, but went in opposite direction!
1) “On the day you were born you were despised and were thrown out into the open field, …. I made you grow like a plant of the field. (Eze 16:5-7)
2) The splendor I had given you made your beauty perfect (Eze 16:14)
3) But you trusted in your beauty and used your fame to become a prostitute (Eze 16:15)
4) You made Egypt your slaves (Eze 16:26)
5) “In your prostitution you are the very opposite, for you give payment and none is given to you” (Eze 16:34) and became a proverb (mother) for others (16:44)
6) “You will bear the consequences of your lewdness and your detestable practices, declares the Lord” (Eze 16:58)
It is interesting to note that very famous prophets like Ezekiel, Jeremiah … have different accounts to say about very important subjects, but they all have virtually been clouded by other irrelevant details.