Page 24, Par. 17 - If you commit a serious sin, do not try to cover the error. Instead, openly confess your sin to Jehovah in prayer. (Scripturally correct!)
Page 25, Par. 18 - If we (you!) have committed a serious sin, we (you!) need to talk to those whom Jehovah has appointed to shepherd us. (you!) (Jas. 5:14, 15) (Scripturally false!)
James says zero regarding confessing to anyone!
Matthew 18:15-17 - Jesus said nothing about elders being involved when someone commited a serious sin. In fact, he explicitly stated that if a sin was witnessed by someone, the matter should be resolved between the sinner and the witness alone! No one else was to be involved. Jesus never even hinted about Christians having to confess to elders.
JW's - reason on the scriptures you claim to believe in.