The most thrilled topic but why dont people reply with facts/ figures

by Ardian 7 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Ardian

    The Watchtower and Awake have been listed as the most popular magazines.The figures are astonishing. I am not sure whether it is based on reality or not.


    I have seen the link on many social media networks. Can anyone confirm it?

    By the way,I have posted it twice.... but no one answers it

  • pistolpete

    By the way,I have posted it twice.... but no one answers it

    That's because everyone knows that "Anyone" can post an article that says "xxxxxxx" is the most popular magazine.

    The most popular reading material "COMMANDS"--TOP PRICE. Or how much a person is willing to pay for the reading material.

    Check out the fair market value for X-Men #1

  • Magnum

    We've discussed this before. It's ridiculous. The article says the list is "based on their circulation and popularity." Circulation for Watchtower and Awake includes all the many thousands that are not placed in the field and that end up stacked up in JWs' homes, the many thousands that are placed, but, never read and that end up in the trash, and the many thousands that JWs get, but, don't themselves read... also, the stacks that are left at laundromats, those left under doormats at not-at-homes, etc.

    The article says, concerning Awake!, "It is among most loved magazines of Christians." What??? There are 2 billion who profess Christianity, but only 8 or 9 million JWs. The writers of the article are clueless. The only Christians who might love the Awake! mag are JWs, and, probably most of them don't even read it.

  • Diogenesister
    The article says the list is "based on their circulation and popularity." Circulation for Watchtower and Awake includes all the many thousands that are not placed in the field and that end up stacked up in JWs' homes, the many thousands that are placed, but, never read and that end up in the trash, and the many thousands that JWs get, but, don't themselves read... also, the stacks that are left at laundromats, those left under doormats at not-at-homes, etc.

    The sad thing is that if it was a bunch of mags that were counted by the number that wholesalers buy, but that never get sold to the public, JWs would say “How silly those magazines aren’t popular, none are sold!” Yet that is exactly what is happening to the Awakes....Jehovah’s witnesses are like the wholesalers who buy in bulk but can’t sell them on! They are being duped! They think because no one person or company is making a profit from them it doesn’t mean Watchtower Bible and Tract of Pennsylvania inc. isn’t getting $tinking rich!

  • carla

    It's like the company store of old when people had no choice but to buy from the company store and become indebted to their employer. jw's have no choice but to 'buy' the litter-ature and just because all jw's click on the pages doesn't mean any new prospects are doing so. I suppose even ex jw's could be a large portion of those who give the org 'clicks' when doing research. "...most loved magazines of Christians"- I don't know anybody who considers jw's as 'Christian'.

  • smiddy3

    Someone gets confused with the most popular magazine with the most distributed magazine ,don`t fall for that one Ardian.

    Or for that matter the most printed magazine purchased by volunteer Jehovah`s witnesses , for the most part don`t even get distributed.

    The amount of magazines that get printed by the Watchtower publishing organization has nothing at all to do with the most popular magazine read by the public or even Jehovah`s Witnesses themselves .

    The most printed / distributed , and the most popular can mean three entirely different things.

  • mynameislame

    Where to start

    That site seems amateur at best. I'd be surprised if it wasn't being run by a JW. If not the site then at least that post.

    Probably one of the JWs that preys on other JWs. Open a site, post a couple pro-jw stories, post link on social media, make money on advertising.

    Either way it is typical JW slippery speak that is hard to refute because it isn't and outright lie. It is easy to be number one when you define the criteria.

    What was the criteria for judging the popularity?

    But, we have compiled a list of top 10 most popular magazines of 2020 is based on their circulation and popularity.

    Obviously written by someone skilled in circular reasoning. However they are clearly not skilled in writing.

    Comparing the WT and Awake to a commercial magazine is a bit of a stretch. It's like comparing a matchbox car to it's real life counterpart.

    Does folding the pages in half and stapling them make something a magazine?

    Calling it a magazine is another one of the JW slippery terms. Even if it is technically a magazine calling it one is deceptive.

    Find another "magazine" that is written on 100% news print.

    The only ones I can think of are those advertising ones near the exit to supermarkets and restaurant. I know I have never thought of those as magazines.


    They have a forced circulation of 8 million right off the bat.

    Minus that from the total and what have you got? Considering that it is published world wide makes whatver it is even less impressive.

    Even if it is still more than other "magazines" what is the value of that circulation? It certainly isn't turning into a lot more recruits.

    From their perspective it probably means that whoever took the WT or Awake has accepted the license agreement to join or be killed at the big A.

  • Simon
    By the way,I have posted it twice.... but no one answers it

    Yeah, don't do that.

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