What kind of black tea should I try?
Black Tea?
by Iamallcool 8 Replies latest jw friends
All of them. Every. Single. One.
Slidin Fast
Black tea is what every one in the UK calls just tea.
I like both black and green teas. But black especially Earl Gray is imo the best black tea.
The name of the company is Rakkasan Tea. I drink their tea all the time. Some are rare. All are delicious. And they are not expensive. This is not tea bag tea. I love their mission statement about all the tea coming from lands that are recovering from wars and economic hardships. Check them out by Googling Rakkasan Tea. You won't be sorry.
resolute Bandicoot
Wow, what country do you live in if you have never had Black Tea?? Somewhere is Asia maybe.
Black tea is great....but for a chance try any roibos....
Resolute, I live in USA. I just want to try different brands, etc….
Yorkshire Tea, although I think it's branding ... not actually grown there :D