The Watch Tower Publishing Corporation tends to be evolutionary rather than revolutionary, reactive rather than proactive. Business climates change, doctrine and practices change to conform. Social and political climates change, doctrine and practices are changed to conform, to assure survival of the Corporation. There is not one instance in their history that the corporation has led a revolution that business and governments and society has followed.
The first real act of Lawyer Rutherford as Corporation President was to react to the pressure from the very Governments the Company condemned and find out which pages in the Society's newest book the Government objected to and have those cut out, so the book could be sold.
When the Society faced possible taxation as a secular business, it changed it's position that it was NOT a religion to, the position that it IS a religion, so the Corporation could keep it's tax exempt status.
When unrealized expectations remained unrealized, the Corporation simply wrote those out and wrote new ones in. Any who mentioned it were seen as troublemakers and unfaithful and the printing presses rolled on.
Changes made have been to make the Corporation better not to make the lives of the Witness people better. Now the Society is building yet another 50 Million Dollar facility to print literature. Not a school, not a nursing home, not a hospital, but another printing facility. GaryB
Changes made have been to make the lives of the Witness people better . not
by garybuss 7 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Gary,
It really is amazing how members just give the leaders a free pass on what you wrote and more.
My mother, in the 1940's during the Nazi occupation of most of Europe, was beaten up, spit on and expelled everyday from school until the Kingdom schools for children was set up. Today, it would be inconceivable for her to stand up to the WTBS because of conscience.
The WTBS has become highly emboldened over the decades. They are very well aware that they hold the position of God in the minds of millions of people. Oh, and I almost forgot.... they'll (murder) your entire family if you questuion them too much.
Perry, The killing part stays in my mind after 50 years. My mother told me when I was a child that if we lived in Palestine in tribal Jewish times, she would cast the first stone to kill me if I ever left the religion. She was parroting what she heard the Jehovah's Witness men say at the meetings at the Kingdom Hall. I still think it was a pretty cruel thing for a mother to say to her child. But she said and did a lot of things to shock and hurt my brother and I. It was just a part of the whole experience that shaped me into the warm and fuzzy person I am today. :-) GaryB -
. It was just a part of the whole experience that shaped me into the warm and fuzzy person I am today. :-)
What a terrible thing for a mother to say to her kids....
Aren't you warm and fuzzy ? you sure look like a fuzzy cuddly bear to me...
My female friends sometimes call me Gar Bear:-) My wife of 32 years has been mailed an application to that club . . . . but she has still not sent it in.
doctrine and practices are changed to conform, to assure survival of the Corporation.
I've been thinking about this as well. It seems that they've been tweaking the system to make it look as if there is a great increase in membership. They have the 15 Minute Publishers, and the Doorstep Bible Studies, and the reports seem to show a great increase because of these changes, thus fooling the members.
Garybuss, It's good to be reminded that the WTS is a business. When we use words like "cult" or "evil" it's giving them some supernatural powers.Cult and evil are nebulus terms. If you say the WTS is a cult the dubs just answer --- oh no we aren't, However, if you tell the dub that the WTS is a publishing company, a corporation they cannot directly deny it.
It's also a great point that they aren't building hospitals or schools, just more publishing facilities! Good grief!
It's not that I have a huge problem with a printing corporation building a new printing facility, it's just that the corporation tries hard to present a facade of being a religion in nature, when in fact, I see them as a printing and literature distribution business by nature, using religion as a front and a subject for the printed material.
When was the last time Jehovah directed the corporation he is using to do something not in the best interest of that corporation? Can anybody think of an example? I can't. GaryB