All Memorial Attendance Data

by hipolito 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • hipolito

    Hi friend.

    I want to ask you to do me the next favor.

    If any of you have the following data or file on the following topic: "All Memorial Attendance Data from 1896 to 2016".

    If one of you knows about it or has the file in excel, I will really appreciate it.

    Thank you.

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen


    Not exactly what you may be looking for, but have a look here:

    Yearbook Stats 1981-2017.xls

    Yearbook Stats by Field 1981-2017.xls

    I found them in this thread on this forum by Googling "All Memorial Attendance Data from 1896 to 2016"

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    I think you can find what you need in the Yearbook Stats by Field 1981-2017.xls file, tab sheet "Mem. Att."

  • smiddy3

    I`m curious Hipolito what the reason is why are you requesting this Memorial Attendance Data for all of these years ?

    My thinking is along the lines of ,that for so many decades the WT society was teaching that the numbers of those who claimed to be of the Anointed would decrease year by year until there would only be a few Anointed left on the earth when the GT and Armageddon finally came .

    But Lo and Behold ,the opposite has been the case with the numbers of those claiming to be of the Anointed going up in leaps and bounds.

    I think the lowest it ever got was about 8,000 for a few years some time ago and at last count it had jumped up to over 20,000 .

    Of course I could be completely wrong LOL .

  • Corney

    Anders, thank you for the links!

  • hipolito

    Thanks Anders, for your interest in helping me. I already had those links, but I'm really interested in the data from 1896 to 2016, or in any case from 1935 to the present. I am conducting an investigation.

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen


    I didn't notice your request asked for figures further back in time. has scanned memorial reports starting from 1935.
    Maybe you can get what you want there?

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