Having read through the Court Documents, one thing struck me, the Judge Ruled that the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, if it made a decision on its own, it would not make the Watchtower Society of G.B. vicariously liable for that decision. The CCJW is an independent , non-profit Charity, and as such has no great funds, and so, any Legal Action against them, cannot expect to get huge, probably deserved, payouts.
Any future legal Action that seeks damages and Costs should NOT seek them against this body, if liability, arising from say an Abuse claim, can be proved to be having a connection to Watchtower. This ruling may affect Court decisions in the U.S.A. which has a similar legal entity, staffed by JW's who have made a Vow of Poverty, if I recall. This is an attempt, by the J.W org. to avoid rightful compensation to Abuse victims in the main it seems.
I would like to find out if the poor bro. who was never paid back his Loan while this Case was in progress, ever got his money ???? I rather doubt it.