Australia: Successful Liability Case against the Watchtower

by Listener 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Listener

    There's some fantastic news on regarding a liability case filed against the Watchtower in Australia.

    According to the reporter, Alexandra James, the civil case was mediated on last month and therefore there will be no court proceedings to report on. The reporter understands that there is no gag orders but it is currently under confidentiality privileges.

    Also reported was the fact that the case had run for 18 months and involved a Western Australian abuse survivor. It is understood the criminal was an Elder in her Congregation and has since died.

    The reporter states that the Watchtower was found to have failed in their duty of care.

    The survivor still suffers physcologically from this abuse and was able to be an excellent witness for her case.

    This is wonderful news and a victory for the survivor and I hope that this will help to heal her a little more.

    Also I can't express how thankful I am to the survivor who has chosen a most difficult road to take over the last 18 months so that the Watchtower is being forced to account for it's negligence and as an encouragement to other victims that a little justice can be found and speaking out does make a difference.

    I would also like to thank those that have personally given their support to the survivor and been there to help her work through this.

    The report made mention that the Watchtower dealt with this case sensitively but made no policy changes due to it. This is to be expected knowing that there would be a number of 'worldly' witnesses to this case. However, if the Watchtower was truly God's channel and they claim to follow Christs lead then there should have been no need for the survivor to go through a formal legal process, they would have tried to provide some sort of compensation and apology before this.

    This is one huge step forward for Watchtower victims and particularly those living in Australia. Thank you again.

  • Chook

    Good lawyers often use female lawyers to represent rapists as to soften the image of the accused. If anyone can break a church class action specialist lawyers bleed the most money . WT corp is going to have to combine more congs for the continued realestate sell off.

    As to sisters no being able to spiral bind the elders book , I bet that one little action would have been the tipping point for some dear sister. This idiot of a church put to much in print and its biting them in the arse.

  • Ruby456

    thanks Listener I'm always interested in what Alexandra James has to say about JW abuse victims and I am glad they have such a strong and articulate advocate

  • freddo

    Excellent news! Thank you.

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