Looking For WT Quote

by Sea Breeze 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Does anyone have 1945 WT 8/15/45 p. 253

    I'm looking for confirmation of where the WT reportedly states that Jehovah is only JW's "prospective" father.

  • FFGhost

    Even if you find someone who has a copy of that 75 year old magazine, if you were to use it to try to convince a JW that it was some sort of "hidden teachings", the JW would just roll his eyes and tell you you were using "old light".

    Here is a quote from a 2020 Watchtower article that the good, obedient JW would point you to:


    We can rightly call Jehovah “Father”​—he is the Source of our life.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Thank you for that FFG.

    That looks like a WT attempt to mask the real (and still current) doctrine that most JW are not spirit-begotten sons of god. That is still only reserved only for 144k members.

    And so, JWs cannot call Jehovah their father in any familial sense of the word. They can only loosely use that term to mean creator. Which, does not imply any parental responsibility whatsoever on the part of God.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Found it:

    The Wt is correct. But most JW's don't know this. We are not born into the family of God with him as our Father. We must be "grafted in" to the family through adoption. The nation of Israel was adopted under a national agreement, mediated by Moses and could legally call God their father.

    Not so with Gentiles. After Calvary, Jew and Gentile alike must be born again. Jesus told Nicodemus this THREE TIMES just so he would understand the new requirement.

    The WT knows this:

    The other sheep "are in a different condition... not even justified." - Wt. 38 p.104, 105

    The reason the JW's are not justified and thus cannot be adopted and call God their farther is because they rebelliously reject the New Covenant "for the forgiveness of sins" as commanded for us to accept in Mt. 26: 27-28

  • FFGhost

    No argument there.

    Most JWs would be in agreement that they are not spirit-begotten sons of God. They have no problem with that.

    If I weren't so lazy, I'd look up more modern quotes regarding how, after the 1000 year fruit-fest, even non-spirit-begotten earthly people would be "adopted" into God's family. But, of course, that is supposed to be 1000+ year into the future.

  • waton

    just as an outlier: when Jesus issued the instruction for the "Our father prayer" (Cath)

    he was talking to people who were not "anointed". he did not say your : "future adoptive father" , or "father in law" . by the same token,

    he passed the bread and wine, according to wt practise reserved for the "anointed", as an outward mark of their status, to the same people, who were not "anointed"

    wt confuses the new covenant, with the kingdom covenant. really sloppy concordance reading.

    They do not baptise new members in the "name of the father" either.

    JWs are taught to wait for the future, slave on, their present live, unfulfilled, belongs to JWORG.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    So waton,

    How many covenants do you believe are in the NT?

  • waton

    How many covenants do you believe are in the NT?

    SB: the wt/ bible world has only a passing interest for me, I do not "believe" it has importance. so, I do not want even to go through my concordance to refresh my memory. I remember though, that even the kingdom covenant (promise to rule over the "12 tribes of israel" , was not only pronounced after the last supper, but also at an earlier occasion.

    The new, forgiveness covenant in John to

    you tell us please. for those that are interested.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Only 1. "Testament" means Covenant which means Contract. And Jesus stated exactly what that contract was for in Mt. 26: 27& 28 - "for the forgiveness of sins" - not for rulership positions.

    The invitation to rule with Christ is offered to all Church-Age Believers. It is an appointment under that contract.... not a separate contract. WT. deliberately mistranslates "make a covenant for a kingdom". It should read:

    Luke 22: 29 And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me. (KJV)

    The WT has gone to an awful lot of trouble to obscure how a person can get their sins forgiven if it is just all non-sense. Think about it.

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