So what part of this don't jws understand? Franklin Graham son of Billy just set up a field hospital in ny central park. He is giving people practical help now and giving hope by proclaiming look to Jesus as their saviour. Now that is pure Christianity the way it was meant to be.
Jesus ministry was all about telling people about the hope of the kingdom of the heavens AND helping people in the meantime
by nowwhat? 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
road to nowhere
Was feeding the masses an early soup kitchen?
I remember an awake where they made sammiches for a fire crew. Syrupy self patting on the back.
When I look closely at the WTS, I do not see any fruits at all. Only the tedious works and hardships that some of my family must endure without the benefit of fruits. Works that are, in my opinion, not blessed by the Lord, that's why there's no fruit.....
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