Ever do Volunteer Service at Bethel?

by Bendrr 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    I can't remember the proper term but they used to have volunteers come serve for a week or two at the Farm. I had some friends serving at Bethel at the time, the Grimsley family, and they sponsored me to come up there for a week when I was 16. I flew up and stayed with some friends of theirs a few miles away from the Farm.

    All in all it wasn't a bad way for a 16 year old Georgia boy to spend a week before school started back. I got to work with a pretty cool group of folks that week and I made a lot of new friends, none of whom I ever got to stay in touch with though unfortunately. The Grimsleys loaned me one of their cars and I'd get up in the morning, eat breakfast at a nearby diner, then go spend my days working at Watchtower Farms. The first thing I learned was that you can't go into a diner in New York and order grits for breakfast. Yes, I did that. The waitress just gave me a blank stare and I did hear a few snickers from the other patrons. I got to work out on the farm, picking blueberries and vegetables and doing menial farm chores. The work was easy and the days weren't very long at all. A little in the morning, then go get cleaned up for lunch. And lunch was the bomb as far as I was concerned. Plenty to eat and it was some damn fine food.

    Now of course, it was annoying to have to go wash up and change into "meeting clothes" just to eat lunch. But the food IMO made up for that little inconvenience.

    It wasn't the best time I've ever had either though. Some of the bethelites supervising us were pretty stuck up. It became clear that the whole arrangement was unofficially a way for Bethel boys to meet single girls. When I started getting a little too close to a couple of the cutie pies a few of the Bethel boys got pretty hostile towards me. I was just a "publisher" and I was horning in on their action. One night a group of us "volunteers" went out with some Bethelites to a German restaurant. One of the Bethelites in particular went out of his way to make me feel unwelcome. Well he was just plain rude and obnoxious in general. Even rude to the sweet waitress. I left there pretty embarassed to be seen with that group representing Bethel.

    But being sponsored by the Grimsleys paid off a little for me. One afternoon we went out in service in the Cadillac belonging to one of the Governing Body, or had belonged to one of the GB. Think it was Grant Suiter's Cadillac (or maybe it was a Buick?). How Bobby had gotten access to it is beyond me. I got to tour the auto repair shop at the Farm that Bobby Grimsley Sr. ran. And I got to see the ambulance. Did y'all know that the Farm had its own ambulance? Well at least it did back then, in the 80's. It was a 50's model Cadillac ambulance. I want to say '59 but memory is a little fuzzy. But I can tell you that that ambulance was one sweet ride! That car was in showroom condition! And knowing Bobby, I have no doubt that it ran as good as it looked. Do they still have that old relic?

    That made the second time I'd been to Bethel. The first time was when I was like 14. Our family took a trip up there and stayed a couple of nights in one of the guest cottages. (the green one across the street from WT Farms proper). On that one we also drove to NYC to see Brooklyn Bethel. I thought that was pretty cool because I got to see at least a little of the Big Apple even if it was only driving thru. And we didn't go on any of the regular tours. The Grimsleys took us on their own personal tour.

    So who else has done temporary or volunteer (or whatever they called it) work at the Farm? I heard that program was ended not too long after I went. Do y'all remember that *one* house right near the Farm? Really crummy looking shack with hubcaps hung all over the outside walls and junk in the yard? I remember asking about it and being told "they're worldly" and how the Society had many times offered to buy the property but the owners wouldn't sell. Is that place still there?


  • teejay


    Never even been to Bethel for a visit. I applied for residency once when I turned 19, but they wrote back and, after thanking me for my interest, told me that I needed to pioneer and prove myself or some bs like that. I figured that if they were so clueless as to not see the jewel that was me (), then I didn't want to waste my talents on the place and never applied again.

    That was then. I don't know what it is, but for some reason I've lost all interest in even visiting the place nowadays.

  • JH

    The only VS I do is VSOP.

  • blondie
    Do y'all remember that *one* house right near the Farm? Really crummy looking shack with hubcaps hung all over the outside walls and junk in the yard? I remember asking about it and being told "they're worldly" and how the Society had many times offered to buy the property but the owners wouldn't sell. Is that place still there?

    They called that place "Dogpatch." I wonder if that is where Randy Watters got his username? I heard that they finally got rid of the place.

    I worked at the "Farm" as a volunteer. As a regular pioneer I could count up to half my time that I worked there. What I remember most is that some of the Bethelites were assigned there as a punishment when they had failed to work out on previous assignments. Many just sat around and talked when the "brother in charge" was away.

    I worked there 3 days a week during the summer. I thought that I would like to be a Bethelite but the more I time I spent there the more I realized that there was no more holy spirit there or Christlike love shown than in any congregation, may be less.

    Blondie (the summer Bethelite)

  • fairy

    i went to sydney for two weeks to help at the new bethel site when it was being built. i stayed with an italian "sister".....must admit, she and her daughter were very nice to me. i helped in the kitchen, typical, and in the garden a little bit.

  • smack

    I once delivered 16 tons of sand to Aussie Bethel Farm.

  • SadElder
    I once delivered 16 tons of sand to Aussie Bethel Farm

    I told 'em to pound sand.

    Did some volunteering and then actually got a personal invitation from the Factory Committee to come to serve as a Bethelilte, which I did for about three years. Finally got fed up with all the BS and told them bye bye baby! They were in shock because I have professional skills they were falling all over themselves to find.

    BTW due to New York laws Bethel has more than one ambulance. Has to do with the number of employees - read that volunteers - in residience.

  • rocketman

    I visted the Farm once but have never worked there or at any Bethel facility in any capacity. I do enjoy reading others' experiences there though. Seems that, as some have pointed out thus far, it's not all that different from any place where jws are.

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