Just found out Chris Stuckmann is ex-JW

by LoveUniHateExams 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Chris Stuckmann is a youtube reviewer of films and aspiring film maker himself.

    He has over a million subscribers to his channel. In my ignorance, I've always been a bit jealous of successful youtubers, including Stuckmann - y'know, 'they make loads of money, life must be great for them.'

    And then I found out Chris Stuckmann used to be a JW, was born into it, and walked away from it.

    He says in this video that even now, his dad will probably never speak to him again for telling all about his past.

    Well, all the best, Chris Stuckmann!

    You're doing great as someone who left that cult.

    Fascinating viewing, Chris explains the rules of the cult just as one of our posters would …


  • Phizzy

    Thanks for Posting ! I watched all the way through, I am sure many XJW's will have identified with so many of the things done to Chris, we have been there too !

    I love the point that he makes, that cannot be stressed enough, the whole JW religion is designed to suck the very soul out of you, they don't want you to be the real you, they want you to be a mindless Drone or Worker Bee for the Org. When I left it took me, as a born in, a good while to become the Real Me, once I had achieved that, I found out what real Happiness was, something I had not experienced in all my years in the Org. They suck all Happiness and Joy out of you, along with your real personality.

    He sounds like a great guy, and as I love movies too, I shall be watching his Reviews ! I find a good reviewer can save you from watching Shite, but point you to many a good Movie you could well have missed, keep it up Chris !

    There is a Career for you as well LUHE, in Movie and Book Reviews I would think. If you fancy it.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    I enjoyed the whole discussion. It was not a rant neither did it exaggerate. It highlighted things that should be of concern to anyone.

    Above all it showed that there is a way to be a well balanced, sane human being at peace with himself.

  • carla
  • Vidiot
    LoveUniHateExams - “He says in this video that even now, his dad will probably never speak to him again for telling all about his past.”

    ”Though shalt not air the Society’s dirty laundry.”

  • LoveUniHateExams

    They suck all Happiness and Joy out of you, along with your real personality - yes, they do. The part where Chris is posting an early video of him inexplicably saying that he had to stop his YT channel was heart breaking. We, the viewers, were seeing a person being mentally broken, having their goals and dreams destroyed.

    Something similar happened to me when I was about 16 or 17. I wanted to join a football team, playing semi-professional football. I was always pretty good at the sport and wanted to see how far I could go with it. But, as I was a JW, the WTS soon put a stop to it. 'Too competitive' … 'bad association' (two elders literally said that me sharing a dressing room with 'worldly people' would lead me to having pre-marital sex with a girl - I'm not kidding! XD

    There is a Career for you as well LUHE, in Movie and Book Reviews I would think. If you fancy it - thanks. I certainly like films, but I don't think I'd be great in front of the camera. You have to be enthusiastic and sell yourself, and I'm not good at that. And besides, there are other people much better than me at reviewing movies.

    As well as Chris Stuckmann, here are some other movie review channels …

    Off The Shelf

    Decker Shado

    Robot Head


    The Critical Drinker

    Collative Learning


    Ryan Hollinger

    Bryan Lomax

    We Watched A Movie

    ^^^ Any and all well worth checking out.

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