"This Generation of the Great Crowd will not pass away......"
We all know about the infamous "Generation of 1914", and all the lies and deception associated with it, right?
But, did you know about the Generation of the early original Great Crowd Members that was not supposed to pass away before Armageddon comes?
Neither did I, until I found the following Quotes:
Survival Book (1984), Pages 184-185, Chapter 24 (The Countdown Nears Its Zero Hour!):
5 The countdown that has proceeded for some six millenniums now nears its zero hour. So close is it that people who were alive in 1914, and who are now well along in years, will not all pass off the scene before the thrilling events marking the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty come to pass.--Mark 13:30.
6 Other loyal servants of God, too, will be on hand to witness the events of that great day. Especially beginning in 1935, when the identity of the "great multitude," or "great crowd," was clearly understood, large numbers of these began to manifest themselves. At first there were hundreds, then thousands, later hundreds of thousands, and now there are millions spread around the globe. God's infallible Word depicts this group as 'coming out of the great tribulation,' being survivors of it, living right on into God's New Order without ever having to die. (Revelation 7:9, 10, 14; John 11:26) The early members of this group are now in their 60's or 70's or older. Jehovah did not allow the ingathering of this group to begin too soon. The "great crowd," including many of the earliest members thereof, will survive into the "new earth."
7 The hope of the "great crowd" will not be thwarted by any nuclear holocaust that would destroy all mankind. With good reason they are optimistic and courageous. As the events of the "last days" have unfolded, they have watched them with keen anticipation, applying to themselves Jesus' counsel: "Raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near." (Luke 21:28) But during the remaining time before that deliverance, further events of world-shaking significance are to occur.
The Watchtower, March 1, 1985 Issue, Page 14:
12 These flashes of prophetic light prepared the ground for the historic discourse on "The Great Multitude," given May 31, 1935, by the president of the Watch Tower Society, J. F. Rutherford, at the Washington, D.C., convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. What a revelation of divine truth that was! Presented at that time was conclusive proof identifying the "great crowd" of Revelation 7:9 with the Lord's "other sheep" of John 10:16, with the Jehonadab class, with those marked in the forehead for survival, with the millions now living who will never die, and with "the sheep" that are separated from "the goats" and will inherit everlasting life in the earthly realm of God's Kingdom. All of this was covered in The Watchtower, August 1 and 15, 1935.
The Watchtower, September 1, 1983 Issue, Page 12:
Well, on May 31, 1935, at the Washington, D.C., convention, Brother Rutherford spoke on this very subject. I was sitting in the balcony looking down over the crowd, and what a thrill it was as his talk unfolded! The great multitude was clearly identified Scripturally to be those who survive Armageddon with the prospect of living forever on earth. Yes, here was further information on 'the millions now living who will never die.'
The Watchtower, February 15, 1995 Issue, Page 8:
2 Despite the latest advances of medical science, death still rules as king even today. While this is no surprise, some may have been somewhat disappointed when they finally came face-to-face with this longtime enemy. Why? Well, back in the 1920's, the Watch Tower Society proclaimed the message "Millions now living will never die." Who would these millions be? The "sheep" spoken of in Jesus' remarks about the sheep and the goats. (Matthew 25:31-46) These sheeplike ones were prophesied to appear during the time of the end, and their hope would be everlasting life on a paradise earth. As time went by, God's people gained a better understanding of the position of these "sheep" in Jehovah's purposes. It was realized that these obedient ones were to be distinguished from the stubborn "goats," and after the destruction of the latter ones, the sheep would inherit the earthly realm of the Kingdom that had been prepared for them.
I'd love to hear everyone's comments.