Bustamante and MECHA
by jelly 2 Replies latest jw friends
California is a f*ked up state, I know I live there. We have a group here in California called MECHA, its window dressing tries to portray itself as a group that exists to help Chicanos up the economic ladder. This group exists on most college campuses and some high schools and does get state and federal money. The problem with this group is that in reality it is no different than the clan, search their web sites (the ones they link to from the university sites) and see what they have to say. They hate Jews, White people, Black people, Spanish people (which they are actually descendants from but will not admit), basically they hate everyone except themselves. The group wants to remove all non-chicano people from the American southwest and have their own little land called Aztlan. Their slogan is ‘everything for the race, nothing for those outside the race’.
I know every racial group has its racist scum, and I realize the world is imperfect and jerks like this are always going to exist. I have two problems with these people. First, why are my tax dollars and school fees going to support their little hate clubs. Could you image if a white group had these same ideas and wanted to form clubs throughout the UC and K-12 education system. People would be outraged righteously so. And second, why is their behavior not challenged by the press. Bustamante, the democrat running for gov. in California belongs to this group, (if you remember he is the same guy that used the word n*gger and a black history celebration). The press is silent, they attacked Arnold because his dad was a nazi cop, but Bustamante belongs to a group that longs for a racially pure Aztec government to rule of the American Southwest and they say nothing.
Insanity, I love California but it will make you sick sometimes.
Terry -
Daves not here man